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The Stockbridge and New Town Community Orchestra celebrates its 20th anniversary tonight with a concert in Stockbridge Parish Church (Saxe-Coburg Street).

The orchestra began with a very small group in 1995, and has continued to grow since. Its members attend weekly rehearsals and stage two performances per year.

According to their website, they welcome all abilities, all ages and all backgrounds – anyone who can handle Grade 3 or 4 on up – and they never hold auditions.

‘It doesn’t matter that we’re not all virtuosos at our chosen instruments,’ says chair Jill Andrew. ‘We’re having fun and making music.’

Founding member Catriona Crosby agrees. ‘It’s a fun way to make music in a relaxed environment, and I’m sure the orchestra will will go on for many years to come, giving pleasure to players and, hopefully, our audiences.’

The amateur musicians, who come from all over Edinburgh and beyond, are to perform works by Haydn, Vaughan Williams and Strauss, and will be joined by the church choir for Haydn’s Te Deum.

The concert starts TONIGHT at 7.30pm. Tickets at the door.