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Who doesn’t love Brides Magazine

This correspondent was reading it avidly at breakfast this morning until it suddenly became apparent that the cost of the average BM reader’s wedding in the UK is £24,716. 

The figures break down as follows: 

Wedding venue, £2,223; Reception venue, £4,189; Catering, £3,063; Photography/video, £1,399; Flowers, £560; Cake, £296; Entertainment, £682; Dress, £1,340; Shoes, £107; Stationery, £240; Headdress/veil, £108; Attendants' outfits, £465; Mother-of-the-bride outfit, £337; Groom's outfit, £313; Beauty, £220; Engagement Ring, £2,451; Wedding rings, £647; Other wedding jewellery, £191; Honeymoon, £3,931; Gift List, £1,954.

Once the coughing and snorting and involuntary expulsion of wet cornflakes out of the nostrils had abated, this correspondent went for a walk to recover, winding up in Canonmills.

Imagine the satisfaction of discovering that – in adddition to their more conventional classy costumes – local bridalwear creators Kavelle are now displaying an outfit for those marrying on a strict budget (below).

This correspondent salutes the no-nonsense clarity of their vision, although it puts one in mind of an Ambrose Bierce definition: 'Bride: a woman with a fine prospect of happiness behind her'.  AM


@theSpurtle Clearly an excellent publication, with helpful advice under article: " money on wedding cake by getting a fake one made".

@theSpurtle I fear however, that this advice, though well meant, omits to take into account ensuing dental bills.

@NewTownFlaneur A great idea, I thought, which could be further developed by also serving fake food at the reception. @theSpurtle

@NTCleanStreets @NewTownFlaneur There are also clear savings to be had by using an artificial pre-dressed mother of the bride.

@theSpurtle @NTCleanStreets Interesting that comments underneath article seem to pre-date article itself...

@NewTownFlaneur @NTCleanStreets The fact that comments predate article merely shows BM readers recognise importance of forward planning.

@NewTownFlaneur Was clear to me that ancient article recycled, as prices all a good few years old. A bouquet of flowers, for ex> @theSpurtle

@NewTownFlaneur >ample, cannot be had for less than £640 these days. Whole list needs RPI adjustment. @theSpurtle

@NTCleanStreets @theSpurtle How many flowers does one get for £640?

@NewTownFlaneur depends whether giant Venus Fly Traps or Triffids are required. @theSpurtle

@NTCleanStreets @theSpurtle Triffids perhaps more likely to devour the mother-in-law, so probably command a premium.