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Submitted by Editor on

At the end of last week we urged the Council to clear snow and ice from pavements which have no grit-bins (Breaking news, 17.12.10).

This now appears to be happening. For example, the slippery hill from the top of Broughton Street down to the Water of Leith at Canonmills was efficiently cleared yesterday, with through routes off – for example London, East London and East Claremont Streets – receiving the same attention by mid-afternoon.

We don't know whether this is a direct response to Spurtle's coverage, but it is certainly a very welcome development. In recent days, the City Centre/Leith Neighbourhood team have proved themselves adaptable and effective under difficult circumstances, and deserve praise.

The New Town and Broughton Community Council is writing to CCLN's Mike Penny asking whether pavement gritting represents a change in official policy or pragmatic flexibility.