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Locals have contacted the Spurtle to publicise an alarming spike in break-ins across the Bellevue area. Cars, vans and houses have been targeted by 3 young men wearing hoodies.

We await official confirmation, but Lothian and Borders Police apparently told one crime victim (whose house had been ransacked) that 12 break-ins occurred on Friday and at least another 2 on Saturday.

Tools were stolen from a van in Bellevue Road, and a stolen car was found parked in the cul-de-sac by the McDonald Place cash and carry.

[img_assist|nid=2248|title=|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=199|height=200]One resident's house was burgled after the perpetrators climbed onto the roof, prised open a Velux window, and smashed their way through a hatch in the attic to gain entry. All this at 3.30pm on Saturday afternoon 'in full view of the row of tenements on Bellevue Road'.

The same 3 young men are believed to have been responsible for late night calls on doors and intrusions into back gardens.

So far, a laptop, camera, watches, games console and passports have been stolen. A TV and DVD were left behind when thieves were interrupted by the arrival of police.

A Bellevue source told Spurtle: 'There have been odd incidents since last summer, but things have got really bad over the last month.' She and fellow residents are now organising a meeting with the Community Police and plan to set up a Neighbourhood Watch.

Spurtle's advice at this stage is to be vigilant NOT have-a-go heroes. Dial 999 if you see any suspicious activity and let the experts handle it.