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Expect major traffic disruption and long delays today as Edinburgh braces itself, with pleasurable anticipation, for one of the most exciting events in the capital for years.

Staff have been working till midnight this week putting the finishing touches to their preparations, but this morning the long wait is finally over.  At 10:00am, Curiouser and Curiouser will open its doors to the public for the first time at No. 93 Broughton Street, offering a range of high-quality prints, picture frames, and gifts to suit all tastes.

Shop owner Laura Clifford lives around the corner, and is excited about opening here. After six years managing Henderson Art Shop in Raeburn Place she was keen to branch out on her own, and looked long and hard for the right premises before settling here. With a long lease on the property there is now every chance that she'll remain a local fixture for many years to come.

We wish her well.
