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Mental health charity SANE has brought its Black Dog campaign to Scotland, with the eye-catching Angus now turning heads in Waterloo Place.

Run in partnership with property consultants Ryden – whose staff and friends raised funds towards it – the campaign is aimed at raising awareness and understanding of mental ill health.

The idea is to overcome the stigma attached to such conditions, and to encourage those affected to take advantage of the free, confidential advice and support provided by SANE.

'The shadow of the Black Dog touches us all,' writes the charity's founder and CEO Marjorie Wallace, 'but it is possible to master and live with your mental illness so that it no longer dominates your life'.

Winston Churchill suffered from occasional depression throughout adulthood, and memorably described its gloomy persistence as his 'black dog'. (Samuel Johnson and Horace had used the same metaphor earlier.) John Gray speculates on how this state of mind helped shape Churchill as a visionary wartime leader here