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Submitted by Editor on

The proposal to erect a modern 2-storey dwelling at 4 Barony Place appears to have hit the buffers, at least for now (Ref. 12/03470/FUL). 

On 27 November, the developer requested the withdrawal of the planning application which had divided local opinion between neighbours who thought it hideously intrusive and those who welcomed almost any change to the occasionally weedy, rat-infested and 'illegally' parked-on scrap of land (Breaking news, 10.10.12; 29.10.12)

The reasons for this withdrawal have not been made clear, nor have the developer's intentions for the future. With planning consent for an alternative scheme already in place, it seems only a matter of time before new plans are drawn up.

Had the 'Darth Vader' application (so called by critics on account of its overbearing and rather sinister black brick) gone forward, it is clear from Council documents that officers would have raised no Environmental or Traffic objections. 

However, they had already decided that their determination would rest upon whether the development would:

  • preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area and the setting of listed buildings
  • have a damaging impact on trees worthy of retention
  • be detrimental to the amenity of neighbours by reason of loss of light, privacy or adverse overshadowing
  • be detrimental to road safety.

Similar considerations may well inform the reasoning of any objectors in future.


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Kieran Gaffney

 How can this be darth vader-esque?


 I think they were talking about the view from the other side.



Broughton Spurtle 


 Mind you, some locals absolutely loved it. And others still thought a 'Darth Vader' house sounded cool.


 Pity, because what we *really* need is yet more talent-free modernist buildings to hide our hideous architectural heritage ...