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Powys-based Notemachine UK Ltd is seeking three kinds of retrospective consent for an ATM it has installed at 20 Broughton Street (18/011343/FUL; 18/01344/ADV; 18/01345/LBC). 

The new machine (where before there was none) was installed in February through the left-hand window of the Lifestyle Express convenience store. 

Notemachine applied for permission on 28 March, saying that the ATM would not impact on the modern shopfront or interfere with the historic fabric. It would leave adjacent features and structures untouched. Not only would it not adversely affect the surrounding Conservation Area, but it would ‘preserve and enhance’ the existing building.

The photograph below shows that preservation and enhancement of the modern shopfront in more detail.

And here is what Notemachine UK Ltd considers a more general lack of impact on the Conservation Area. Where, you may wonder, has the 1810 building described in Notemachine's Heritage Statement disappeared to?

Spurtle wonders whether there is really any need for an ATM here, given that two others are available just round the corner on Picardy Place. A more material concern is the likely (perhaps already proven) negative impact on neighbours’ amenity caused by noisy customers attracted to the machine at night.

No. 20 is a Category B-listed building lying within the New Town Conservation Area. It is clearly an area of historical interest and architectural sensitivity. But that didn’t stop Notemachine UK Ltd from installing first and asking for permission afterwards.

Its peculiarly worded explanation reads:

This installation is part of a National programme of installations being undertaken by Notemachine where there appears to be no issues of of Crime or Highways concern. Notemachines policy is to proceed at risk making retrospective applications. Notemachine are aware that they have proceeded at risk.

Spurtle finds that approach pretty galling. Unfortunately, though, as far as we’re aware, there is no rule to prevent such a practice. There should be.

Anyone wishing to object to or support the applications may do so online HERE by 4 May. You need comment only once, but should remember to quote all three reference numbers shown above.
