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Over 30 people gathered outside Drummond Community High School this afternoon to protest against the Fringe presence inside of the Shalom Festival. 

Organised by the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the demonstrators stood for 4 hours outside the school gate to make their points concerning what they regard as Israel’s unjust policy towards Palestinians. 

They say the Shalom Festival glosses over injustice at home, and whilst celebrating Israel’s peaceful cultural diversity does not have much (if anything) to say about Palestinians’ experience. 

When Spurtle visited at lunchtime, the protest seemed good-natured and remarkably quiet, with most noise coming from the flapping of flags.

A heavy police presence (5 vans + CCTV) and 3 private security staff were there in case of trouble, but we witnessed none.

Protestors told the Spurtle that they had no plans to return tomorrow or Thursday during the Shalom Festival’s run.