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Submitted by Editor on

In Issue 235 we reported the surprisingly prompt reaction of City of Edinburgh Council concerning the moving digital display in a Crichton Place kebab shop.

Moving digital display as in a shifting electronically generated font, not as in emotionally charged finger gestures.

Councillor Deidre Brock pursued the case in early October following complaints from constituents who felt the signage was out of place and distracting to drivers exiting Pilrig Street.

We now learn that Planning officials have visited the premises and established that no advertisement consent had been granted for the display, and that this style of signage is probably unacceptable within the Leith Conservation Area.

The owner was requested to remove the display from the front of the shop within two weeks, and in the meantime to turn down the brightness and switch off the motion.

Officials do not anticipate any further formal action being required. If only all Enforcement cases were this simple.


 Kate Joester Damn, I thought you meant the ugly giant thing further up the Walk. One rule for small business, another for big.

 Gillian Walker Delighted, well done