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Diverse styles united by quality

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Broughton Street's Union Gallery will be celebrating the work of renowned home-grown talents this summer.

Their August exhibition 'Seven Artists – Edinburgh Soul' features work by Philip Braham, Graham Flack, Michael McVeigh, David Hosie, Olivia Irvine, John Brazenall and Henry Kondracki.

All have gained international acclaim for 'unique, evocative and challenging works which both challenge and satisfy the viewer', says Union's Alison Auldjo.

Braham's work blurs the boundary between photography and painting. He will be exhibiting also at the Royal Scottish Academy during the Festival, but in the Union Gallery we can look forward to seeing his 'Drift' series, described by Auldjo as 'meticulous, finely observed and reflective'.

Flack's large-scale, iconic '2D sculptures' have shown before at Union, and been widely admired.

McVeigh's popular paintings are like dreamscapes: unsettling, fascinating and oddly enjoyable.

Hosie – Auldjo's former tutor at the Edinburgh College of Art – is a long-standing stalwart of the Scottish scene, whose figurative works continue to stimulate.[img_assist|nid=959|title=|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=200|height=192]

Edinburgh sculptor John Brazenall has worked as a fine art bronze founder, and is well known for regular collaborations with such luminaries as the late Ian Hamilton Finlay and, in New York, Julian Schnabel.  Here, his own work, rarely exhibited, will be found anarchic, playful and beautifully conceived.

The award-winning Irvine and Kondraki offer unique insights into 21st-century life and family.

'This exhibition unites some of Edinburgh’s finest contemporary talents in what I think will be a really powerful and emotional display,'  Auldjo concludes.  'It's an exhibition of contrasting styles and content which creates cohesion through the quality of the work and the stature of the artists.'

'Seven Artists – Edinburgh Soul' runs from 5 August–6 September.

[Pictured are works by David Hosie (top) and Olivia Irvine (bottom).]