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In a Westminster parliamentary debate on devolution and the Union yesterday, Edinburgh North and Leith MP Mark Lazarowicz reiterated the role of the Barnett Formula as a formula for spending rather than one based on real needs assessment.

‘Let us get away from the idea that the Barnett formula is a subsidy for Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

‘We are in a state where different nations and different parts of nations will contribute in varying degrees to Government revenue, and different nations and different parts of nations will see Government expenditure at varying levels. I welcome that, because I believe that the strength of the UK is that, with the right Government and the right policies, we can pool and share resources. Indeed, there has not been enough pooling and sharing of resources to tackle some of the real poverty that we see in communities in cities, regions and rural areas throughout the UK.’

Lazarowicz said the issue of English votes for English legislation was comparatively easy to solve, and should not be allowed to delay further devolution.

He also called for electoral reform and reform of the House of Lords, and for serious reassessment of regional government in England and Wales.

‘There needs to be root-and-branch reform that is based on respect between the various nations of the UK, and a recognition of the seriousness of the political crisis that is facing politics across the UK.’

For Lazarowicz’s speech see the file at the foot of this page. For yesterday's Backbench debate in full, follow this link

[Image by Ian Britton, Creative Commons:]