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Draft plans for the revamp and reconfiguration of Leith Walk between Pilrig Street and McDonald Road went on display yesterday.

Council staff stressed that what we saw was very much a work in progress, and acknowledged that some aspects of the design required further thought.

For all that, there were a number of welcome features in the plans (available here), not least the introduction of extensive segregated cycle lanes (separated from other traffic by a high kerb) on either side of the road.

At bus stops, the idea is for bicycles to swerve inward onto the pavement behind the shelters (see below). This would clearly require cyclists to ride with the same care and consideration for pedestrians as cyclists generally expect from motorists. It would involve slowing down and regarding other people as vulnerable hazards rather than irritating impediments. It should not be impossible.

As one official observed wistfully, city life would be so much easier if pedestrians, cyclists and drivers shared spaces cooperatively rather competitively.

This correspondent raised doubts about how cyclists are directed in the approach to Pilrig Street heading north-east (see below). There appears to be a strong likelihood of cyclists colliding with vehicles on their left when turning left into Pilrig Street, particularly if travelling at speed rather than from a standing start.

Remembering the tragic death of Craig Newton at Broughton Point 4 years ago (Breaking news, 28.4.11), there are also good arguments for segregated cycle lanes to continue around all left-hand turns in order to protect riders from adjacent HGVs with blindspots.

At major junctions, many would also like to see traffic lights include a phase specifically for cyclists so that they can pull away safely in advance of other traffic.

Spurtle will gather opinions over the next couple of weeks, and report back in July (Issue 242).

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 David Adam Pointless unless it runs the length of the Walk. McDonald Road to Pilrig - that's about 2 minutes to cycle max?

  Nicole Roberts It'll work as well as the zebra crossings!!

  Ady Gaham its the last phase of leith walk repairs but it is better than nothing considering how bad the road surface has been for the last 7 years and the improved pilrig street junction is a winner for pedestrians