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Surgeries aimed at helping Leith Walk locals to feel safer (and tidier and less hassled) have been announced today.

The new initiative will see Community Police Officer Kevin Weaver, Council Community Safety Officer Janie Wright and various Environmental Wardens conveniently accessible to the public every Wednesday from noon to 2pm in McDonald Road Library. The scheme starts next week.

Council, housing association and private tenants, plus home owners, are encouraged to pop along for advice or to bring up any issues or complaints they may have about the neighbourhood and each other.

Subjects which you might want to raise include crime, obviously, plus excessive noise, harassment, youths' antisocial behaviour, OAPs' antisocial behaviour, graffiti and vandalism, littering, foul dogs, dog fouling, abandoned vehicles, domestic and trade waste, and fly-tipping.

For further information contact Janie Wright on Tel. 529 7263 or