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Financial literacy and entrepreneurship were the subjects of a recent seminar for Drummond CHS pupils in years S3–S6.  

Plumbing Pensions (UK) Ltd, which shares offices with SNIPEF at Bellevue House on Hopetoun Street, hosted the first ever RedSTART event in Scotland for Drummond pupils on 18 June.

The RedSTART programme has been developed by investment consultants Redington, but until now had only been delivered in London where Redington are based. Robert Burgon, manager of the £1.5 billion Plumbing Industry Pension Scheme, participated in the programme there last November, and suggested to Redington that arrangements could be made for a similar event in Edinburgh.

So it was that, earlier this month, 20 Drummond pupils, along with Business Education teacher Claire Cooper, spent the day at Bellevue House participating in a series of modules introducing young people to the concepts of budgeting, pensions, compound interest, loans and being an entrepreneur.

The modules were led by staff from Redington, Plumbing Pensions, Standard Life and Kames Capital. It is hoped that this will be the first of a series of RedSTART events here in the capital.

Feedback from the pupils was positive and the organisers hope that the experience will prove invaluable to them in their future lives.

Pictured below are Claire Cooper (far left), Robert Burgon (second from the left) with a DCHS pupil and other presenters of the RedSTART programme in Bellevue House.