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Lottery, a short, comic and poignant play will be performed at McDonald Road Library on 4 November, 6:30pm.

It tells the story of former school sweethearts Fizz and Alan who, in a chance encounter, find their affection rekindled as they reveal to each other how dyslexia has changed their lives whilst hunting for a lost lottery ticket.

Written by Lowri Potts and directed by Lisa Nicoll, the workshop production stars Laura Fell and Fraser Thomson of the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama's 'Dramaworks' programme.

The play will be followed by a brief demonstration of Read & Write Gold, a piece of supportive software which helps people with dyslexia and is available for free on all public-access computers in Edinburgh City Libraries. Refreshments will be provided, and the evening will close at around 8:00pm.

To book a place, ring McDonald Rd Library at: Tel. 529 5636.

The evening forms part of Edinburgh City Libraries' Dyslexia Awareness Week (1–7 November), which involves various exhibitions, song, drama, talk, film and a practical drop-in sessions at venues across the city. Eleanor Darroch's photography will be on display at Stockbridge Library from 25 October–5 November, where there will be another chance to try Read & Write Gold on 5 November between 10:30am and 12:30pm.


                                                                                         [Image released under CC-BY-S.]