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New post-tramwork traffic arrangements mean only bicycles, trams and buses will be allowed on Princes Street between South St David and South Charlotte Streets (apart from a short crossing between the Mound and Hanover Street).

General traffic will rotate clockwise around St Andrew Square, with no access to Princes Street via South St Andrew Street.

At the junction of Princes Street and South St Andrew Street, confident cyclists will cross the tram track ... at their peril.

Only bikes and trams will turn left from York Place onto North St Andrew Street. The possibility of one-way traffic looping the loop on George and Princes Streets is being discussed as part of the Council’s (currently blurred) City Centre Vision.

Private car owners are reminded that it is inadvisable to drive whilst dizzy or disorientated.

A full plan of the new traffic arrangements (including the West End and key) is attached as a pdf at the foot of this page.

Let us know what you think of the new system by email on Facebook Broughton Spurtle or Twitter @theSpurtle