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Readers may have noticed this sign at 91 East London Street, opposite the carpet showroom, and wondered what goes on there. CMYK Design and Publishing is a thriving business producing magazines of all shapes and sizes.

Lately, the company – owned by Neil Braidwood of Portobello, and employing 6 – has been publishing Scotland Outdoors, an award-winning magazine covering activities such as walking, cycling, skiing and kayaking as well as wildlife and conservation.

It’s edited by keen hill-walker and former Scotsman journalist Don Currie (pictured below), of Bellevue Gardens, and is on sale nationwide, with local outlets including Elm Row Post Office, London Street Grocer's, Shamoon's in Broughton Street and Bellevue Newsagent. It’s also available on subscription.

The title currently appears quarterly, but plans are afoot to increase the frequency to bi-monthly.

The firm also produces magazines for organisations such as the conservation charity the John Muir Trust, the Highlands and Islands Airports group, the Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland, and the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Past clients have included the National Trust for Scotland and the Scottish Prison Service.

CMYK – if you don’t know already – is a technical term referring to the four elements in the subtractive colour model – cyan, magenta, yellow and key. It's a term used by printers ... and some local street artists

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