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Photographers Paul and Lynn Henni live in Broughton, and a sense of local knowledge and affection pervades their exhibition of Edinburgh scenes currently on show in the Roamin’ Nose. 

Entitled The Elements, it consists mostly of cityscapes, many of which will be familiar to Spurtle readers, although not always at the times of day or in the weather conditions pictured here. 

Both artists ‘work in the moment’; that is they travel with cameras, alert to opportunities, rather than planning a particular shot in advance with all the calculated rigour of a scientific experiment. 

The results are wonderfully spontaneous, but the images are also technically accomplished, shrewdly composed, and sensitively processed afterwards.

They choose to work in black and white ‘preferring the starkness, range of tones, contrasts and textures this brings out’.

I love their takes on lyrical urban noir …

and their eye for the beautiful illusions this beguiling city has to offer.—AM

The Elements – part of Retina 2016, the Scottish International Photography Festival – continues at the Roamin’ Nose, 14 Eyre Place, until 31 July.

Photo captions, numbeered top-to-bottom: (1) Detail from 'Misty Meadows', (2) 'The Lone Figure', (4) 'The Umbrella', photos by and copyright of Paul Henni; (3) 'Snowy Mansfield Church', (5) 'Floating City', (6) 'Looming Clouds', photos by and copyright of Lynn Henni.


 Alison Kerr Great review, great photos, great event!!!!!x