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Submitted by Editor on

Two weeks ago we launched the second of our Edinburgh safaris by inviting readers to search for 13 or more lions (see foot of page). 

Since then we've been overwhelmed by a grand total of 0 entries. One person on Twitter claimed to have identified over 20, but supplied no photographic evidence. We need your pictures if we are to build an Edinburgh bestiary. 

This time, we’re looking for DOGS.  Not just in Broughton, but anywhere across the city. And not your boring old living dogs, woofing and panting and making smells on the sofa the way normal dogs do, but dead-as-a-doornail dogs shaped, sculpted or moulded by human hand.

So long as they’re outdoors, in a public space where you don’t need to pay to view them, and as long as they’re three-dimensional, they count. Take a photo of the ones you spot, send them to us along with a note of where you saw them, and let us know if you’ve matched or beaten our target figure. 

We’ve found SEVEN including the one featured on this page. If you can identify the location of the one in the picture, you get a bonus point.

Let us know by by e-mail how you get on before noon on Sunday 26 JuneFor now its mostly about self-satisfaction and the admiration of your peers, but how you score may well lead to prizes beyond the dreams of avarice later on in the year.


Locations for Edinburgh Safari (2)

Calton Hill steps

Dean Cemetery

West Princes Street Garden


North Bridge (Scotsman Hotel)

North Bridge (Scotsman Hotel)

West Register Street (Cowie Building)


Dean Cemetery

Dean Cemetery

Top of Easter Road (school building)

154 McDonald Road

Inverleith Park (entrance opposite Botanic Garden)

St Andrew Square