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Submitted by Editor on

Thanks and well-dones to all who took part in our Edinburgh Safari (5) to discover 3D, artificial foxes around the city. 

Some of you more or less followed the rules. Some of you more or less didn’t. Others both did and didn’t, showing a reckless disregard for the orderly glue of civilisation. 

@NewTownFlaneur submitted his answers as follows:


Your foxes: first one is on top of the building on the corner of Eyre Place and Canon Street; second one is McDonald Road; third one I have no bloody idea, annoyingly. It looks more wooden turd than fox anyway, and so should be inadmissible.

My own magnificent examples, in case you’ve forgotten: there was the fox knocker on Melgund Terrace, the fox cat on Northumberland St and the Fox Terrier terrorising the duck on Iona Street. 

There’s also a Volkswagen Fox parked outside as I write, so I’ll have that as well.

Fer fox sake, I’d better win.

He does. Special Brownie extra points also go to him and @zioscozio for finding separated twins, perhaps first cousins of the door-knocker fox we'd already noticed elsewhere.

Our examples were, in order: on the roof of Canonmills House, on the east side of McDonald Road, and in Corstorphine Hill’s Walled Garden. Our stuffed fox sits behind the window on the corner of Forth and Broughton Streets, and is ineligible for being indoors. Likewise the companionable fox recently spotted on display in Concrete Wardrobe

The rest is hisstory

Now for a new challenge.  

Spurtle has so far located four unique snakes in Edinburgh (see below). And not simply your boring old living snakes – swallowing dogs and falling asleep under warm pensioners– but dead-as-a-doornail serpents shaped, sculpted, or moulded by human hand.

You have until noon on 7 August to identify their locations and/or add other examples – however imaginatively interpreted – of your own. They have to be outside and free (i.e. no charge) to access.

Reach us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook

1. Lovely fangs.

2. Not wholly dead.

3. Spelling mistakes.

4. Heal thyself.

5. Tangled up.

6. Still there.

7. The key is in the past.

8. Read all about it.



@theSpurtle Basically just sitting back and waiting for @NewTownFlaneur's entry

New Town Flâneur ‏@NewTownFlaneur

@clairehimiller Your turn. I hate snakes. Still remember when I found one in my plane while escaping from Nazis in 30s Peru. @thespurtle
scozioscozio ‏@zioscozio 

New Town Flâneur ‏@NewTownFlaneur 

@zioscozio@clairehimiller@theSpurtle Where is that?

It's in @NtlMuseumsScot, it's the centre of a Jacobite targe. @NewTownFlaneur@clairehimiller@theSpurtle

Broughton SpurtleBroughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle 

@zioscozio Indian pythons, perhaps? @NewTownFlaneur@clairehimiller

@zioscozio@NewTownFlaneur@theSpurtle Certainly not a happy expression. Sort of says, "Aaarhhhh! Snakes! Gerrem off me head! And my face!"

Broughton SpurtleBroughton Spurtle ‏@theSpurtle

@clairehimiller Emphasis on JacoBITES, then. @zioscozio@NewTownFlaneur

@theSpurtle One for Punnie Prince Charlie? ;) @clairehimiller@NewTownFlaneur

Late addition to our collection of city snakes, this one on St Andrew's House, Regent Rd: