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Thank you to everyone who joined in the Edinburgh Safari (7) in search of three-dimensional capital cocks. 

There was some confusion regarding stand-up comedians and jugglers, but most of you correctly understood that it was the feathered variety in which we were most interested. 

Appropriately enough, Douglas Finch identified the location of all four photographs, even the very difficult weathervane. They were, in order of appearance: (1) The Sandeman House Garden, Trunks Close, 55 High Street; (2) Canon Mill, Eyre Place; (3) The Magdalen Chapel, 41 Cowgate; (4) 89 George Street; (5) Northumberland Street North East Lane.

Mr Finch also helpfully disentangled our clues, in particular that No. 3 was originally associated with the Incorporation of Hammermen, and No 4 used to be James Gray & Son Ltd, ironmonger, but is now White Stuff.

Ewe turn if you want to

Now for a new challenge.

Spurtle has so far captured five unique sheep/goats in Edinburgh (see below) and hope to add to our flock shortly. These aren’t simply your tedious old living Bovidae –  bleating and baa-ing, getting their heads stuck in fences and munching on plastic bags – but entirely inanimate creatures shaped, sculpted or moulded by human hand.

You have until noon on 4 September to identify their locations and/or add other examples – however loosely interpreted – of your own. They have to be outside and free (i.e. no charge) to view.

Reach us at and @theSpurtle and Facebook

(1) Bearded Venetian.

[The Cowan Building, West Register Street]

(2) Ram in white coat? Cheviot mostly.

[Medical School, Teviot, Teviot Place]

(3) Fleece and Lothian.

[West Parliament Square]

(4) Paper chase.

[Cowan Building, West Register Street]

(5) Sign of caprice.

[Former British Linen Bank, 69 George Street]

You could also have had the zodiacal goat or ram (below) which forms part of  Forsyth's Finial above Top Shop on Princes Street.