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Submitted by Editor on

The sun is out, the days are lengthening, and the light is definitely improving.

If your home suddenly feels dirty and covered in smudges, get out in the open air and take part in the first of our regular photographic quizzes running from Friday to Friday each week this spring and summer.

We’re looking at animals – not just in Broughton – but across the whole city. And not your boring old living animals, quacking and mooing and stinging people in the way of conventional wildlife, but dead-as-a-doornail animals shaped, sculpted or moulded by human hand.

This week, we invite you to hunt for OWLS. 

So long as they’re outdoors, in a public space to which you don’t need to pay to view them, and as long as they’re three-dimensional, they count. Take a photo of the ones you spot, make a note of where you saw them, and let us know if you think you’ve matched or beaten our target figure. 

This week, we’ve found FOUR including the one featured on this page. If you can identify the location of the one in the picture, you get a bonus point.

Let us know by by e-mail how you get on before noon on Friday 27 May. For now its mostly about smugness and glory, but how you score may well lead to prizes beyond the dreams of avarice later on in the year.