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The Edinburgh World Heritage Trust seeks renewed Climate Challenge Funding (part of the Scottish Government's 'Sustainable Action Fund') to combat 'fuel poverty' in the Old and New Towns.

As part of that project, it continues to aim for a 'marriage of sustainability and heritage conservation'. That's why it is now inviting ideas for new projects, particularly community-led regeneration projects such as the Coinyie House Close food garden of last year.  

It also hopes to continue energy efficiency trials to ensure long-term maintenance and care of traditional tenements and listed properties.

So what can be done? Do you have ideas for:

  • green transport?
  • growing food?
  • regenerating back greens?
  • drains / roofs?
  • waste disposal?
  • energy conservation / generation?

Not to beat about the bush, and to quote the immortal Mrs Doyle, 'Go on, go on, go on, go on, go on!' Send your ideas to: