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Submitted by Editor on

An intriguing little battle of wills is being fought out on Elm Row.

Staff at local bar Jeremiah’s Taproom appear to be tired of their expensively hired commercial bins being filled with the rubbish of private neighbours.

They have therefore attached signs like this one (right), politely spelling out exactly whose what should go where.

Somebody has this morning responded by placing their own black bin bag not inside JT’s wheelie-bin but directly on top of it.

This behaviour is calculated to be as exquisitely irritating as possible, precisely because it respects the literal meaning of JT’s sign whilst effectively replacing the original kind of unhelpfulness with another.

It is an act akin to what we remember being termed ‘mute insubordination’ at school many years ago. Whoever is responsible ... you are a very petty and annoying sort of person. We salute you.

Have you photographed any instances of small-minded ingenuity or trifling spite lately? If so, we'd love to see the results. You can contact us at: and @theSpurtle and Broughton Spurtle 


@theSpurtle What's required here is for someone to go through contents of the bag, photograph any identifying items and stick up on bin. 1/2

@theSpurtle Amazingly, these anti-socials never think to ensure their bags are clear of post with name and address on it. Schoolboy error...