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Those who want to protect the old, low-rise building at 1–6 Canonmills Bridge from demolition and redevelopment have launched a new phase of their campaign.

Following the Scottish Government reporter’s decision to support Glovart Investments Ltd's appeal last month (see Breaking news, 29.1,16; 1.2.16), they are now urging supporters to e-mail elected representatives in a storm of protest.

By drawing attention to the specifics of this case and the shortcomings of the system as a whole, and by directly requesting politicians to intervene, their intention is to create pressure where legalistic/planning arguments have failed despite overwhelming popular support.

For this ‘Call to Action’, they are encouraging their 7,000+ supporters to contact a wide range of politicians, from Cabinet Secretary Alex Neil MSP and Deidre Brock MP, to Lothian MSPs, Council Leader Andrew Burns, and numerous other ward councillors, including those who sit on the capital's Development Management Sub-Committee.

Suggested points for inclusion in the correspondence – and copy/pasteable e-mail addresses – can be had by contacting the organisers at:


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Joanna Mowat Joanna Mowat ‏@jomowat

@theSpurtle signed up and supporting

@CityCycling @theSpurtle @LenNicholson @TheBEFS very fine point, times & relationships change and systems may need to adapt to reflect that