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In Issue 275 we reported the imminent arrival at 2 Dundas Street of L’escapade – a bistro bar in premises formerly occupied by the café Glass & Thompson. 

That ‘exciting new journey’ piloted by ‘awesome people’ back in July now shows signs of trouble..

According to its own publicity, L’escapade was to offer ‘a modern, comfortable, cool bar, fit for all. Supplying awesome wine, cocktails, beer and mediocre banter!’

But two weeks ago we heard rumours of problems behind the scenes, and now new signs have been attached to the windows and door of No. 2: 

‘These premises have been reposessed on behalf of the legal tenant and licensee Mr Russell Glass.

‘Anyone who attempts to gain entry to these premises will be committing an offence.’

According to Companies House, one Simone Maria Anderson resigned as secretary and director of L’escapade Limited on 9 May. John Dillon Anderson resigned as director on 1 August, as did Russell Stuart Campbell Glass. Confusingly, despite his resignation, Mr Anderson is still listed as an active director.

The company’s website remains up and running, but its Facebook page has disappeared from view. There was nobody evident in the building yesterday lunchtime when Spurtle visited. We tried calling, but the telephone just rang and rang and rang. It's a shame.