The Edinburgh Evening News will relaunch soon in a major 'change of tack', it was claimed today.
Senior management at owners Jonhston Press want to reverse nose-diving circulation figures and plummeting profits. But rather than produce fewer and fewer pages at greater cost with an ever-increasing number of low-brow human-interest stories, bosses have decided to head upmarket and cover the news more seriously.
The move follows a massive consultation exercise last Thursday in which editor Frank O'Donnell on page 35 appealed to Evening News readers for any ideas.
Perhaps anticipating public disenchantment, O'Donnell pledged an improved website, fresh features and additional 'hard-hitting' news. But Spurtle understands blue-sky thinkers at the ailing tabloid have already agreed a package of further promises unprecedented in recent regional-press history.
They will, it seems, commit the Edinburgh Evening News to NEVER including:
- knee-jerk bashing of every new Council initiative, regardless of its merits
- unclearly distinguished advertorial
- unhealthy fascination with bruised pensioners looking glum for the camera
- salacious enjoyment and disapproval of all things sexual
- ambivalent excitement about lynch mobs
- mawkish stories concerning terminally ill kiddies
- sloppily researched reportage containing multiple factual errors
- unacknowledged, feeble rehashings of stories originated elsewhere
- scaremongering, sensationalist hysteria, preferably involving menace, sudden death and 'horror'
- skewed depictions of young people aged 3 or above as Buckied-up, needle-toting muggers ignoring their ASBOs and hiding machetes within shoplifted designer-label underpants.
Instead, Johnston Press here will switch to a retro-chic broadsheet format, and bring in dozens more competitively paid, properly informed, experienced staff dedicated to meticulously checked, in-depth analysis and explanation of current affairs, hard-hitting investigative journalism, with particular emphasis on helping communities be proactive and make a difference.
Our source – a seasoned if shadowy media observer – asserts that:
'For too long, the "Evening News" has underestimated the intelligence of its readers. But last year's 13.7% drop in circulation to 32,160 could not be ignored. In its present guise, the paper is fast running out of people willing or able to read it.'
Spurtle cannot vouch for these claims, which reached our newsdesk at 1 minute past midnight this morning. However, if true, the Evening News's revised policy would be very welcome.
We occasionally find ourselves unable to resist Evening News headlines such as 'THE BNP LEADER, HIS RIVAL, AND A DATE WITH "MISS BONDAGE"'', 'SHOCK CRIMES OF KIDS AGED 3 IN CITY' and ''CHILD PORN SHAME OF SCHOOL SANTA'.
However, we'd argue that Edinburgh also needs a relevant, grown-up, properly resourced, citywide newspaper prioritising other styles of journalism, especially at this important time in Scotland's national politics.
For background to the issue, see: Arthur MacMillan in British Journalism Review; Mark Sweeney in the Guardian; Peter Geoghegan in the Scotsman.
[What do you think? Tell us by email: spurtle@hotmail.co.uk Twitter: @theSpurtle Facebook: Broughton Spurtle.]
[Image: NotMiserable, Creative Commons]
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@theSpurtle At last ;)
Well played Spurtle, well played. RT @theSpurtle: Evening News in 'change of tack' shock: http://bit.ly/99jeuR #journalism
@allytibbitt @EdinSpotlight @theSpurtle Good one! Tongue in cheek :)
What a nasty, vitriolic little piece RT @theSpurtle: Evening News in 'change of tack' shock: http://bit.ly/99jeuR
@allytibbitt @EdinSpotlight @theSpurtle Good#Aprilfool!:-)
@suegyford @theSpurtle Wow! Who pissed in their porridge?
Gina Davidson @wornoutmumhack 32m @suegyford @theSpurtle assuming it's an April Fool attempt? If not, then really, no excuse for it.
@wornoutmumhack I think the "April fool" is supposed to be the very idea that EEN would do decent reporting. @thespurtle
@suegyford @wornoutmumhack @thespurtle the author of that piece clearly ignores things like how we now all know about Mortonhall...
@gordonchree @suegyford @thespurtle exactly Gordon. That, and many, many, other things...
Fergus Smith Best one I've seen today. Have to confess I was quite a way into it before I realised the true nature of the story ...
Robin Gillanders Nice one 'Spurtle' Ha
@suegyford @wornoutmumhack AF joke was not aimed at principled journalists, but horrible tabloid news values & hapless JP.
Broughton Spurtle
@gordonchree Usually read stories at excellent @deadlinenews the day before. Recommend it as reliable & original source.
@theSpurtle @gordonchree @deadlinenews now that is an April Fool. Deadline are good operators, but rip off the EEN almost daily.
@theSpurtle just the way agencies work. They have even fewer staff than us!
@wornoutmumhack Och no ... no honour anywhere?
@theSpurtle loved yesterdays evening news story! But, did you get inspiration from @TransformScot 's 2009 piece? :)
@evilfairykat @TransformScot Ta. Coincidence. Nothing new under the sun. We don't hate EEN, just want it to be much better much more often.