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Since August the Fairtrade/Kenya WAO (Wider Achievement Opportunity) has been running a café (tuckshop!) every Friday for staff at Drummond CHS, writes Annie Scanlon. Now they’re ready to introduce their classmates to Fairtrade with a variety of events for Fairtrade Fortnight starting on Monday 22 February.

This year’s campaign is SWAP: swap your ordinary shopping for Fairtrade. The easiest thing to swap is your tea, so students will be slurping and dunking away, trying the taste and learning about where tea comes from and what Fairtrade is doing to help tea producers and processors. Plus a short ‘commercial’ break with an appearance by the Fairtrade Tea Fairy!

Special events are listed below.

The Big Cuppa – tea drinking competition
How fast can you drink a pint of tea? All entrants receive a prize (Fairtrade teabags to try at home).  In the Grand Final students will take on the staff.  The winner goes home with a big Fairtrade goodie-bag. The loser – washes up.

Fairtrade Dress-down Day
For 50p come to school dressed in Fairtrade colours (black, yellow, blue) and for £1 in other dress. Funds raised go towards Fairtrade events and the Fairtrade Lunch the following week.

Fairtrade Safari Quiz
Go on a Fairtrade safari around the school looking for the answers to a Fairtrade Quiz.

Fairtrade Tuckshop
Open in the concourse selling lots of delicious Fairtrade food and drink and giving away information and stickers.

Fairtrade Lunch
For the price of an ordinary lunch, staff and students can try out lots of Fairtrade dishes from around the world.

Plus Fairtrade Food Tasting in Food Consumer Technology and Fairtrade literature available to the community at reception.

If you would like any more information about these events or Fairtrade please contact: Annie Scanlon, Mandy Toogood or Patricia Snow at Tel: 556 2651.