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Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe it’s the time of year or the state of the economy. Whatever it is, there’s a noticeable appetite for escapism round here at the moment.

Crombie’s are feeling seasonal with this Halloween window display (right), presumably promoting Lucifer’s Matchsticks. The shop is reputed to have spooky basement secrets so terrifying that even grown butchers refuse to talk about them. We can vouch for the wall of silence on this matter. 

Mather’s – showing an admirable disregard for dates, tradition and the conventionally understood nature of ‘mystic readings’  – let rip with these two spooky sauce bottles ...

And the promise of a chilling encounter in the Far North.

At Artisan Roast, this lugubrious but well-fed dragon stirs the local ‘Union of Genius’ soup.  They are, perhaps, alluding to the newly announced return of The Clangers. However, if Artisan’s past A-board spelling record is anything to go by, the contents of the bowl may well be ‘Onion of Genius’ soup.

Finally, at the other end of Broughton, Rodney Street’s The Marshmallow Lady sums it all up nicely. Food helps you forget.