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Today was a day for unexpected optimistic glimpses.

Some were a way off, like this one of Fife … kingdom of perpetual sunshine.

From Calton Hill, there were also suggestions of new growth closer to home.

How wonderful to think of a 96m-high hotel joining these vertical clusters at Ocean Terminal.

In King George V Park, some helpful soul – in a random act of kindness – had provided some of the means for bone-chilled parents to heat themselves up.

Along the cycle track by Warriston Junction, these opportunists – thrusting between the slats of a storm-flattened fence – gave hope of warmer times to come.


Elsewhere there were Valentine’s Day flowers for sale, and intimations that the fight to keep the current character of Canonmills is far from over.

It's Baltic now, we know, but have courage. In only 39 days' time, it will officially be spring.


interesting notice in @earthyfoods in Canonmills today. Save 1-6 Canonmills