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Submitted by Editor on

Continuing for the full 12 days of Christmas, Spurtle will tomorrow start its annual irritating spot-the-location photo competition with an exciting cash prize at the end. 

Two locations will appear each day. They are all in or immediately adjacent to Spurtleshire and will be, for the most part, familiar to most readers. 

However, they have been deliberately viewed or cropped in such a way as to render them annoyingly obscure. 

Participants have until Sunday 10 January to finalise their frustrations and e-mail us solutions. The person with the greatest number of correct answers will win. In the event of a tie, we will deploy the shooglie hat under conditions of strictest probity.

In the event of nobody submitting any correct answers, the prize will go to the person offering the most entertaining guesses and/or publishable responses.

Good luck!

(The images on this page are of Beerhive's window display on Rodney Street. Well done, if you recognised them. If only all Ferris wheels were so attractive.)