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Despite dire predictions due to Covid, the Drummond Tennis Club continues to flourish. Thanks to generous rates, club membership remains as healthy as ever.

At junior level, DTC's superb coaches, Sophie and Vincent, ensure that the future of the club shines brightly and is a reflection of true dedication and inspiration. Sophie and Vincent also coach adults, with aplomb.


Maintenance and continuing improvements on the courts and around the clubhouse remain the devotion and vision of long-term jack-of-all-works John Foxwell. His service to the club is indefatigable and is already enshrined in the annals of this century-old institution.

Of the 'little people' (Issue 299), John tells me that the helipad and the tightrope-walker are still in situ, while other worthies who sought dizzying alpine heights appear to have 'wandered off' but are doubtless still visible elsewhere in the undergrowth.


Happily, the east side is now less shaded, and void of leaf encumbrance on court as the line of four large lime trees at the back of Bellevue Crescent was pruned in an exciting spectacle in July. Viewing them from the courts in sunlight, one is reminded of Claude Monet's Poplars series of paintings by his ‘home’ river of the Epte!

Truly, whether you are a tennis aficionado or not, DTC continues to be an oasis of radiance, and one of Edinburgh's most inviting 'fields of dreams'.JRM




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