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Submitted by john on

Despite a campaign to change their minds, Hachette announced on 28 October that their Chambers office in Broughton will close on 31 December. But that may not be the end of the story.

The previous week an Early Day Motion at Westminster by local MP Mark Lazarowicz described the proposed closure as 'asset-stripping of profitable titles', and urged the company to reconsider its decision. 'If it is not prepared to keep its operations in Edinburgh itself, it should seek a buyer to allow the operations to continue in Edinburgh under another owner.' The company claimed to have already done that, and failed.

Now the campaign focus is on finding a new owner, with support from Scottish politicians and commercial interests. 'Just because people have been made redundant doesn't mean Chambers as a going concern should be written off', says NUJ Scottish Secretary Paul Holleran.

For latest developments see

For historical background see 'Chambers at risk' in Extras.

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