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Waverley Care are marking World AIDS Day, and raising funds for themselves, by inviting guests to enjoy a 'sumptuous' meal by an award-winning Italian chef.

For the occasion, on Thursday 29 November, members of the Mansfield Place-based charity will embark on a gruelling trek across town to Locanda de Gusti at the end of East London Street.

There, chef Rosario Sartore (pictured right) will create a 3-course meal with wine, and the Loud and Proud choir will serenade diners afterwards. Close your eyes and you could be in Broughton.

Tickets cost £24.50 and can be booked at: Tel. 556 9710.

Waverley Care help people living with HIV and Hepatitis C and their partners/families. Although active across Scotland, they have established a popular presence locally since their arrival here in 2009. Find out more in Breaking news (25.5.11).
