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Submitted by Editor on

For no very good reason, Spurtle is running a spot-the-location quiz. 

Each Wednesday between now and the end of the year, we'll publish five square photographs featuring Broughton viewed from misleading angles or from straightforward angles but unhelpfully cropped afterwards. We use the term 'Broughton' in the elastic sense of flexible Spurtleshire. 

Your task is to work out where they are and send your answers to our email address by Monday 5 January 2015. Only send your solutions after the last batch of photos has been published on 31 December. 

In the event of a tie, a further five unhelpful photographs of locations in other parts of the city will be issued. The winner will receive a bottle of wine.

Here is the third batch, each containing a round, circle or globe. More will follow on Wednesday 24 December. The last two weeks' photos can be found here and here.

1. ROwand on a windOw .

2. PrOper mOtiOn.

3. NO surprise here.

4. MOOn-eyed mOggie.

5. SOlar system.

Image top-right: Michael Dunn/Creative Commons.


Recognise this? It's one of the Batch-3 clues in 5-week Five Square Photos (prize) Quiz. See:

Lizzie Rynne ‏@CityCycling

@theSpurtle after a quick look, I know 1 out of 15!! These are HARD!

@CityCycling It's a decent bottle of plonk. All local. Good news is: you don't have to get them all. Person with most right answers wins.

@theSpurtle think I'll be going for a very long walk around a fairly small area sometime soon!! I could do with a decent bottle of plonk!