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Submitted by Editor on

For no very good reason, Spurtle has been running a spot-the-location quiz. 

Each Wednesday this month we've published five square photographs featuring Broughton viewed from misleading angles or from straightforward angles but unhelpfully cropped afterwards. We use the term 'Broughton' in the elastic sense of flexible Spurtleshire. 

Your task has been to work out where they are, and list them with your solutions to this final batch published today. Send your answers to our email address by Monday 5 January 2015. Don't worry if you've only got a few certainties – you're still in with a chance.

In the event of a tie, a further five unhelpful photographs of locations in other parts of the city will be issued. The winner will receive a bottle of wine.

The previous four weeks' photo clues can be found: (1) here; (2) here; (3) here; and (4) here.


1. Tootsy.

2. Engineer's thumb?

3. Footbridge.

4. No Renault.

5. Momentous absence.

[Leno image top-right: Sheet music for ‘Detective Camera’ as sung by Dan Leno, 1892, HG Banks © National Media Museum, Bradford / SSPL, Creative Commons BY-NC-SA]


Entries by tomorrow for Five Square Photos quiz. Prize: bottle of plonk & glory. Details here:

Lizzie Rynne ‏@CityCycling

@theSpurtle ha! Out of the whole 25, I;ve got about 6 certains and 1 possible. Whover wins the plonk really deserves it!!

@CityCycling Especially as we're going to hide the bottle in an undisclosed location with no clues.

@theSpurtle haha! You can 'hide' it here if you like :). I hope you'll publish the ansas.

@CityCycling Yes, on Tuesday. Add your guesses/certainties to bonfire of the profanities at

@theSpurtle Good quiz (tough!). I've had a bash, wish I'd noticed it before this evening so I could recce several!