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You always know when you’ve been love-bombed.

This Spurtle contributor passed a Canonmills A-board today – obscured in our photo by a large dollop of Bank Holiday weather – feeling distinctly better afterwards than on the approach.

Even though it was not aimed at anyone in particular. Or true. And despite the motives behind these flattering expressions not being clear.

Is Circle Café just after our custom, or is it telling us how much we're appreciated within the Union, or strengthening the resolve of nervous potential Yes voters?

Nearby, the lively Independence debate continues on the Canonmills police box.

Along the road in Howard Street, there are no mistaking the sentiments prevailing within this shop.

However, we understand that the current tally there of Union Flag and Scottish Saltire cushion sales may not be a totally accurate guide to local voting intentions.

The figures, we learned today, include a large number of sales to overseas visitors on their way to and from the Botanic Gardens.

Rather than worrying about the constant stream of contradictory statistics, perhaps we would all be better buying a bottle of beer on Broughton Street and making the most of it, whatever our sympathies.