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Lottery – described as a short, comic and poignant play – will be performed at McDonald Road Library on 4 November, 6:30pm.

It tells the story of former school sweethearts Fizz and Alan who, in a chance encounter whilst hunting for a lost lottery ticket, find their affection rekindled as they reveal to each other the differing ways dyslexia has changed their lives.

The play will be followed by a brief demonstration of Read & Write Gold, 'supportive software' which helps people with dyslexia and is available for free on all public-access computers in Edinburgh City Libraries. Refreshments will be provided, and the evening will close at around 8:00pm.

To book a place, ring McDonald Rd Library on: Tel. 529 5636.

The evening forms part of Edinburgh City Libraries' Dyslexia Awareness Week (1–7 November), which involves exhibition, song, drama, talk, film and practical drop-in sessions at various venues across the city. Eleanor Darroch's photography will be on display at Stockbridge Library from 25 October–5 November, where there will be another chance to try Read & Write Gold on 5 November between 10:30am and 12:30pm.