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Congratulations to Broughton's Royal Navy and Royal Marine Club, 100 years old today!

A gathering this evening at the Heriot Hill House headquarters on Broughton Road will involve a 3-course dinner, cabaret, and Trafalgar Day celebration. Over 100 members will muster.

Steward Tom Phinn (pictured) has belonged to the club for 43 years, and is relieved that the hiring-in of catering staff means he can for once relax on this historic occasion.

The former Reservist served aboard the Granton-based minesweeper HMS Killiecrankie as a younger man, and is delighted that the Broughton institution which serves as his home and employer is going from strength to strength. An influx of new members has followed closure of Edinburgh's Royal Engineers and Civil Service Clubs, and the refurbished Heriot Hill House is now going great guns.

The current premises were opened in August 1952, following a move from Albany Street. Guest of honour on that day was a young Prince Phillip, shown (centre) in the photograph below. Can any readers identify others present, particularly highly decorated veterans to the right of the picture?
