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The City of Edinburgh Planning Committee has granted permission to turn the modern office block at 73 Logie Green Road into a residential care home (Ref. 10/00228/FUL).

The scheme, reported in 'Breaking news' last month (1.3.10), accords with the City's Development Plan and non-statutory guidelines. Officials considered that installation of additional windows would improve the building's appearance.

However, before work can begin, cycle parking must be provided and a draft Travel Plan submitted. Kitchen ventilation must be to a sufficient standard to protect neighbours from smells, and any plant must not cause annoying vibration or noise.

Deliveries and collections will be restricted to between 7am and 9pm, Mon.–Sat. Staff and residents at the development will not be allowed residents' parking permits. On-site parking provision must reflect the number of staff at work at any one time, not the total number of staff employed.

Spurtle found no evidence of locals having objected to the proposal.