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Ten months after the event, police in Edinburgh have issued CCTV images and an appeal for help. We reproduce their press release below, unedited and in full.


Officers of Police Scotland have released images of a man they believe may have information that can assist their ongoing enquiries into an attempted robbery that occurred in the city centre.  The incident occurred at around 1.50 am on Monday, 1 November 2021, on Gayfield Place, Edinburgh.  

Officers believe that the man shown in the images may have information that could assist them and would appeal to him or anyone who recognises him to contact them. 


The man shown in the images is described as aged 20-30 years of age, around 5 foot 8 inches tall, with dark hair and was wearing a black and white jacket, black jeans and dark shoes and carrying a rucksack at the time.

Detective Constable Claire Riley, of Gayfield CID, said: “This was a frightening experience for the victim and our inquiries have been ongoing. I would urge the male in the images or anyone with information relating to him to contact police as soon as possible.”

Members of the public can contact Police Scotland via 101, quoting reference number 0298 of 1 November 2021, or if they wish to remain anonymous, they can call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
