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Doug Simpson has contacted us asking for Spurtle readers’ help in solving a local mystery. 

He is a Broughton Place-based photographer working on a project involving small (150 x 200 mm) enamelled signs like the ones shown here.

They are attached to the walls and railings of buildings around central Edinburgh and Leith, with a few in the Broughton area.

The ones pictured on this page appear in Abercromby Place, Dublin Street Lane, Hart Street, and on Leith Walk Primary School.

Simpson suspects the large red G may have had something to do with identifying gas mains, but he isn’t certain and has absolutely no idea when they date from.

Can the Spurtleshire hive-mind shed any light on the subject? Send your suggestions by email: or Twitter: @theSpurtle or Facebook: Broughton Spurtle 


@theSpurtle Wouldn't be a gas tap for a street (like the current water ones) for gas lighting of old? Distance away under the G?

@theSpurtle Signs indicate the varied gravitational forces of Spurtleshire, serving to warn that, on some streets, trousers may fall down.

@NewTownFlaneur Thank you for that. How come you're not on @TimeTeamC4 ?

@theSpurtle @NewTownFlaneur @TimeteamC4 Because he's as scientific as Gillian McKeith? Felt a belt man. Or a better excuse for flashing.

@theSpurtle My pantaloons failed the audition.

@theSpurtle Schoolboy mistake. Should have worn Plus C-fours.

 Fergus Smith I always assumed they were something to do with gas supplies.