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You have until 10.00pm tonight to cast your vote in the City of Edinburgh Council election.

You don’t need your poll card to vote, but it will speed things up a bit if you take it along. 

If you can’t remember where your polling station is, it is marked on your poll card. 

If your dog or toddler has swallowed your poll card, follow this link to outwit them. 

On a tour of Spurtleshire polling stations and points in-between this evening, we encountered various more or less familiar faces enjoying the spring sunshine.

McDonald Road hipsters were examining their options.

On Croall Place, despite trying conditions, Susan Rae's cheery smile never flagged.

Outside Pilrig St Paul's Church, Harald Tobermann was not accepting text messages.

Amy McNeese-Mechan posed briefly for this photo, before returning to the principal job in hand – trying to stop the party leaftlets and gazebo blowing away.

Outside Leith Walk Primary School, one young politico sought the first available shelter.

Claire Miller was strategically positioned on York Place. No-one got past without a leaflet.

Good to see the Rat Pack had taken time to vote in the George Hotel.

A left-leaning member of the public approaches Stockbridge Parish Church.

They were queuing to get in on Broughton Road. Tell that to the Marines.

Outside Broughton St Mary’s, we chatted to a shivering party stalwart who had come out without sufficient layers on. We looked away for a moment, then looked back. All that remained was a mysterious blue square on the pavement.

If you’ve just got home from work and are feeling too knackered to vote, we quite understand. Now, get out of your chair and be actively democratic. This is everyone's chance to shape Edinburgh’s future for the next 4 years. Don’t waste it.