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A great night was had by all at Drummond Community High School's S6 Prom in the Carlton Hotel, writes Depute Head Teacher Sharon Gibson.

The pupils, as always, had made a huge effort and looked stunning in their beautiful dresses and suits. I think the hairdressers and beauty salons would have had a very busy day!

The evening went without a hitch and I’m sure I wasn’t the only teacher there with a wee tear in her eye as I watched them let their hair down and enjoy coming to the end of their school careers.

On behalf of all the staff and pupils at Drummond, I would like to wish them all the very best for the future. They have been a fabulous year group to work with and we’ll miss them all.

We look forward to seeing them again at our Celebration of Achievement on 24 June, where we'll salute their successes and bid a formal farewell.

In the words of Ivy Baker Priest: 'The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.'