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Paul Michael Glaser – best known to the British public as 1970s tight-jeans, fluffy-jumpered and slightly adenoidal US Detective Starsky – is coming to Edinburgh next month.

He will talk about his professional career and private life in a fundraiser for Mansfield Place-based charity Waverley Care on 4 October at the Festival Theatre.

Glaser  – who lost his first wife and daughter to AIDS after a contaminated blood transfusion – is happy to challenge the stigma which people living with HIV face on a daily basis:

‘Many of us become touched by AIDS in the most wretched of ways but there is so much hope to talk about and so much we can all do to support each other. I look forward to sharing with you my experiences of my life on stage and screen on the 4th of October and supporting a great cause at the same time.’

Glaser will be interviewed at the event by journalist and broadcaster Sheena McDonald, who is a patron of Waverley Care. He will also be appearing there from 1–5 October as Tevye (‘If I were a rich man’) in Fiddler on the Roof.

In Conversation with Paul Michael Glaser: A Life on Stage and Screen takes place at the Festival Theatre, Edinburgh on Friday 4 October from 3.30–5.00 pm. Tickets (£10) are available from the Festival Theatre Box Office (Tel. 0131 529 6000) or

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