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Many thanks to Gemma Beerbohm, who sent us this photograph today, taken  at the top of the steps leading down from Brandon Terrace to the Water of Leith.

‘It is probably,’ she asserts, ‘a reference to J.G. Frazer’s The Golden Bough.

'Someone round here thinks of this little hole in the wall as the gateway to Hades.'

Probably, we think, is perhaps stretching it a bit, particularly so soon after so many Christmas decorations have been taken down and/or scattered to the four winds.

On the other hand, maybe our small minds at the Spurtle cannot grasp her great idea, since, to our narrow comprehension, our purblind vision, nothing seems really great and important but ourselves.

Can any reader shed light on the mystery? Contact us by email or Twitter @theSpurtle or Facebook Broughton Spurtle