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Local resident Pam Neilson (left) was joined by Deidre Brock MP in the run-up to this evening’s special illumination of St Andrew Square. 

Golden ‘Luminations of Love’ around the Melville Monument will draw attention to the ‘Glow Gold’ campaign to help families dealing with childhood cancer. 

Pam Neilson’s three-year-old son Kai died recently after a two-year struggle against infant acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, an aggressive form of blood cancer.

Now she’s joined other similarly affected Edinburgh parents in launching a campaign to raise awareness of the issues throughout the month of September.

Ten children are diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK, of whom 25 per cent will not survive the treatment. Most will be left with lifelong side-effects.

The Gold Glow website says that:

with increased awareness … comes greater awareness of the early signs and symptoms, earlier diagnosis, increased funding, increased research, kinder more targeted therapy and ultimately a change in the prognosis for kids diagnosed with childhood cancer. 

Edinburgh Castle, the National Galleries and St Andrew’s House are among 200 famous landmarks across the UK and around the world to be bathed in gold this week. Lothian Transport’s golden double-decker will also be in action. 

‘We can all make a difference by wearing gold ribbons, putting up posters and showing our support for kids with cancer,’ commented Ms Brock. ‘I’ll certainly make sure my constituency office has information and posters on display this month to help spread the word.’

‘Luminations of Love’ will light up St Andrew Square from 8.45pm tonight and every night until 8 September.