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Broughton’s back garden has received a ringing endorsement from top-level experts appointed by the Scottish Government to review its operations.

A six-strong international Visiting Group comprising academics, scientists, educationists and a museologist inspected the Garden’s operations – past, present and future – in September 2015.

Their review, published today, found the RGBE to be efficient, effective and often excellent, especially in international science. It delivers more than other organisations of similar small size.

After praising staff (constituting ‘one of the last bastions of plant taxonomic expertise at a time when these skills are increasingly rare internationally’) and volunteers, the report concluded:

The integration of the collections, visitor services, education and science is almost unique and, supported by corporate services, represents an enormous strength that has built and preserved the international reputation of RBGE and of Scotland in biological and conservation expertise and services.

The three Regional Gardens at Benmore, Logan and Dawyck (which together with Inverleith attract around 1 million visitors per year) were commended as a ‘fantastic asset’, as was the Edible Gardening project for engaging under-represented individuals and communities.

RBGE is a Non Departmental Public Body established under the National Heritage (Scotland) Act of 1985. As a registered charity, it gets most of its funding from the Scottish Government – hence the importance of this review.

Regius Keeper Simon Milne MBE has welcomed the report, and Environment Secretary Richard Lochhead has promised to work with RGBE in ‘taking forward’ its recommendations. These include:

  • upgrading the website
  • urgent investment to safeguard the living collection in glasshouses
  • further research funding
  • a new visitor centre for Benmore.

An executive summary of the report is attached below.