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That Leith Walk will not be getting the trams is old news, writes Liz Ballantyne. However, this area is still being inconvenienced by tramworks.
I live in the Shaw Colonies, and about 3 years ago I received neighbourhood notification that Shrub Place (behind the old Council Social Work Department) was to be used over two years as a carpark for approximately 50 vehicles.

No problem with that. But it never went ahead. Instead, the site was leased to the dreaded tram people (no neighbourhood notification this time) who proceeded to fill the site with earth and rubble from St Andrew Square.

[img_assist|nid=3270|title=|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=640|height=601]Access to the site was gained by opening up the end of Dryden Terrace (which had previously been a quiet cul de sac) and then across Dryden Bridge (which clearly wasn't designed to carry large volumes of lorries and heavy machinery).

As the photo (top-right) shows, the bridge appears to be sinking.

It used to be very quiet around here, but now all I hear is heavy plant moving about. It shakes the house, and the noise and dust are extremely frustrating for anyone living in the vicinity.

No trams for us – just the mess and inconvenience, and for how many more years I wonder?

Why has this been allowed to happen? Anyone any suggestions?

Spurtle has contacted Leith Walk Ward councillors, and will report their responses at the foot of this article as they come in.



Since posting Liz Bannatyne's article 4 days ago, there have been developments.

Several local councillors contacted the Spurtle expressing concern and offering help, whilst a number of others have been active behind-the-scenes in gathering information and setting (the right kind of) wheels in motion.

Nobody has made any promises yet, but there is at least an encouraging level of activity. Some kind of statement is expected within days.

This morning (20 August), Spurtle received the following statement from Councillor Lesley Hinds, City of Edinburgh Council's Transport Convener:

'I acknowledge the extent of local concern regarding this issue and can advise that Council staff are currently looking into the situation.

'Further information will be provided as soon as possible – in the meantime, we would ask anyone with concerns about this to get in touch with us via or Tel. 0800 328 3934.'